Media & Press Kit

Official Bio

Jes Rich is magic on the mic! Her stories weave higher truth and profound suffering with contagious laughter. Jes is an author, serial entrepreneur, mother of five humans, traveler, and free spirit. Her story has raised millions of dollars for trafficking survivors, and her programs have impacted thousands of lives.

Jes believes stories have the power to change the world, and our collective stories paint the picture of what it means to be human. She is on a mission to help survivors find their voice and own their power through writing books and rocking the stage!


No topic is off limits. Jes is most commonly asked to share her personal story and she loves to share! If you would prefer another option, we have listed a few below. 

+ Self-Rescue: Empowering individuals to save themselves with education and support

+ Stigma: Why survivors don’t talk about sex trafficking

+ Preventing Re-exploitation: Book writing and publishing where the author owns the rights to their story

At the bottom of this page is a list of interviews and media, if you would like examples or references. 

Testimonials can be found, HERE.

Approved Photos

As Seen On...

Media Request Form

Please give my team 2 days to respond. Thanks, Jes Rich

TRAFFICKED chronicles the stories of sex-trafficking survivors and advocates, as told to Cheryl Hunter who was kidnapped to traffic as a teen. We are here to end human trafficking.
Please note: listener/viewer discretion is advised. This show contains explicit content related to human trafficking, including conversations about rape, domestic abuse, violence, torture, sexual assault, drugs, alcohol abuse, trauma, and more.

Jes and Reid have an incredible story of survival.

Jes is a sex trafficking and rape survivor who has completely changed her world around and is now a mother, author, coach and all around amazing human.

As a patron you can catch her live interview in which you can see her smile and her radiance in her new found life.

Facts & Truths: Rescued by Sex Workers w/ Jes Richardson.

Thrive Loud with Lou Diamond

Jes Richardson has been burnt-out, burned-down, and fucking fried… but she learned to rise, again and again. She started hustling in 1992 when entrepreneurship sunk its teeth into her soul. In 1998, she experienced the power of online business, the tech blew her mind.

Live Your Spa Life with Diane Halfman

Zo Williams Show - Human Trafficking | Modern Day Slavery | Forced Prostitution.

Join Zo Williams and Geoff Brown along with a PACKED HOUSE of guests such as:
Comedienne Luenell
Bobb'e J Thompson
Corey Holcomb
Alimi Ballard
Gary Anthony Williams aka Uncle Ruckus
Lekeisha A. Sumner, Ph.D., ABPP
Actress Vanessa Williams
and Jes Richardson

Join Hala Taha for a Live Young and Profiting Podcast Episode with LELA (Lived Experienced Leaders Alliance). They will discuss the ongoing fight against human trafficking and how communities can better serve those impacted by exploitation.

Jes is an ultimate sur-THRIVER® she was human trafficked and took what she learned about sales, marketing, and running a sex business to now running her own "Life Coaching and Consulting Business"

"Our Trauma has Perks, if we put it in a box we are putting away valuable life skills we learned from it. The sex trade taught me how to run my business"

Your Voice; Your Power with Anika

This episode features Jes Richardson, owner of Jes' Booty, wife, mother of 5 and Artisan, creating and amazing business from loss. Share her vision through this episode that sheds light on some of the adversity that has shaped her journey.

Jes Richardson is a free-spirit with a fierce rebellious streak and a survivor of just about everything. The author of Everything I Know I Learned From My Pimp, Training, trainer of thousands of healthcare professionals, first responders, students, communities and Special Guest Lecturer at Yale University. Mother of five humans, long time lover and wife, Jes spreads her joy because she's lives with life's eternal flame in her heart.

In part one, Jes shares with us her many experiences - from childhood sexual abuse to gang life. Sex Trafficked to Sex Worker, Entrepreneur to Mother. Wife to Soulmate.

HuffPost Live: A new Urban Institute study examines the underground economy of sex work in eight major cities, and finds that pimps feel they're less immoral than traffickers. What do the findings say about prostitution in the 21st century?

(WNN) London, UK, WESTERN EUROPE: When Ruth Jacobs had a chance to sit and interview Ms. Jes Richardson, a former sex worker, sex-trafficking survivor and sex worker rights activist, what Jacobs came away with was a unique unforgettable inside look at an industry where the definition of ‘exploitation’ needs to be carefully considered and defined, especially by those abolitionists working to stop human trafficking worldwide.

Discussing the Advantages of the Sex Workers’ Rights and Anti-Sex Trafficking Movements Working Together


Extended interview with Jes Richardson, survivor of sex trafficking.

Jes's first interview sharing her personal story of domestic sex trafficking.

Survivor of child sex exploitation to speak Wednesday at LBCC.

This episode features Jes Richardson, owner of Jes' Booty, wife, mother of 5 and Artisan, creating and amazing business from loss. Share her vision through this episode that sheds light on some of the adversity that has shaped her journey.

New Haven Academy Senior Jo'Anna Sutton of Hamden, 19, hosts the "We are W.O.M.E.N." Saturday, March 9, 2013, a full-day conference at Dwight Chapel at Yale University, raising awareness about sex trafficking and launching a movement to end it. Photo by Peter Hvizdak / New Haven Register

Sex Trafficking a Rapidly Growing Enterprise, Even in U.S., and Connecticut.

Students host events to bring awareness to human and sex trafficking issues.

Jessica’s story
The subject of sexual trafficking is on the news almost every day. I was horrified to learn that Ohio is the #1 gateway city to sexual trafficking in the United States, and is the center of the sexual trade of children. Toledo, Ohio, less than two hours from my tranquil little town, is the third largest city in the United States as regards sexual trafficking and slavery. Over 1,000 US born children are forced into sexual prostitution in this country annually.

The hype and hoopla of the Super Bowl is never just about the game, but includes the half-time show and of course, the commercials. One media campaign looking to draw attention this year is called "It's Not My Fault" and it is aimed at women and girls and boys who have been, or are being, trafficked for sex. Host Michel Martin speaks with Jessica Richardson, who was trafficked as a teenager and now works to reach other victims, and Maria Trujillo, executive director of the Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition. PLEASE BE ADVISED: This conversation has sensitive, graphic language that may not be appropriate for some listeners.

Jes Richardson is a survivor of domestic sex trafficking in Portland and around the United States. Now she is healed and founded an organization for awareness and survivor contact called "Freedom's Breath".

Jes Richardson is an author, speaker, entrepeneur and an extraordinary woman who escaped being trafficked in her teens, and has used that experience to rebuild a life she loves.

On this powerful episode I speak with Jes Richardson who went from Child Trafficking Survivor to Business Turnaround Specialist. She's also the author of "Everything I know I learned from my Pimp"

It's power in choosing consciousness and deciding to BE optimistic after tragedy❣️ Come on in The Room, Sparrows ... with Jes Richardson

Money Maniac from the movie Cashdance.